Say hello to the place that embraces every new pika-holic member! Any pikachu fan is welcome.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


It's been one year since I visited this blog. I've aged a year, and I just decided to visit today for old time's sake. Oh my Gandhi it's been a while.... I just happen to come around while I was looked at some amigurumi blogs and decided see how my old project was. I didn't realize that my last post was exactly a year ago. Kinda sad, I guess. Especially since I never made Benjamin and Kensington Chubb... Well.. I'm past that, and would like to inform anybody who comes across this page that I will not update it any more. Though I still have my complete pikachu collection, it hasn't been added to in over a year. Maybe that will change one day, except I assure you Benjamin and Kensington will be crocheted this time C;

Love to every and all viewers, and never let reality crush your dreams, as I still aspire to be the very best. Like no one ever was.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Shut Down Mode for a Little While....

I will be in Pikachu-Shut-Down mode for a little while people... I have noticed that I have gotten any pageviews for a while too, and I understand. Anyway, I'm cracking down on some other craft products for my community's Local Saturday Market. I make plushies, shirts and so-on and won't have much extra time between that and the end of year tests coming up. But, hopefully when things wind down, I will buy the orange minky. Then I can finally make Benjamin and Kensinton Chubb. Until then, don't expect many updates.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Newest Handmade Pikachu Plush

Hallo blog readers :D I'm here today to show off my newest Pikachu plush- Soleil. I started making her a few weeks ago, but only finished a few days ago, due to some cracking down in my creative arts class. All together, it probably took me around five hours. HANDSTITCHING IT. o_o But, it's finished now and turned out quite well. But I pretty much used the last of my stuffing. Soooo, I won't make another until I buy some more stuffing and probably some more yellow fleece.

Soleil is made with orange-ish yellow fleece, and clearly stands out against my yellow pikas, so she has been deemed a shiny pikachu n_n She has red fleece cheeks and felt eyes, which are simply stitched on.

Yay pictures! Anyway, as soon as I get some more stuffing and fleece, I'm making a set of twins. They have already been name Benjamin and Kensington, and they will be the Chubb brothers. The reason for this is that my family all wanted to name Soleil "Benjamin Chub" or "Kensington Chub", but Soleil is female (you tell by the tail). Anyway, I'll be posting more often now. And I still need to get a picture of my pikachu plush collection, so check next week or something. I'll probably post by then

Mata rayshuu ne!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Handmade Cyndaquil Plushes

These are two cyndaquil plushes I made a little while ago. The one on the left is the revised version of the one on the right. Though I'm not quite happy with it, I haven't gotten around to make a third pattern. Both are made with fleece and Puffy Paint.

And finally, to top everything off, a picture of one of my most treasured plushes, Niji (rainbow in Japanese). Although, my family has come to call her "Yote"..... It's complicated....

Handmande Pikachu Plush

This is a plush I made early February. It is made with fleece and the facial details are made with Tulip Puffy Paint. I don't think I will post a pattern for it unfortunately....
Don't mind its plush background. My room is a mess, and that is my comforter for my mattress. Quite warm and soft if you're wondering.

Hello Viewers

Finally finished my Japanese class for this school year and now have some free time. AP English is still going on, but the school year will be coming to a close soon. I finally managed to find my camera card, but only took a few pics. Collection pic is still pending, but my latest handmade plushes have been catalogued. They will posted in the next few posts.

Site updates;
New title picture; made by me
I deleted the extra pages and decided to post everything on the blog front page

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sorry about updates

Lol.... I.. uh... lost.. mycameracard. AGAIN. >_< I had it in my pocket and it must of slipped out somewhere... BUT as soon as I find I will post those pictures. Sorry for the wait... again. (btw I just failed at spelling "again" and tried like 15 times XD)